Best Design Inspiration Blog 2019 – please vote for us!

Best Design Inspiration Blog 2019 – please vote for us!

The Oscars of the interior blogging world, the Amara Interior Blog Awards have come a-calling – and we welcome them with open arms and big grins as we’re very pleased to announce we have been nominated as 2019’s Best Design Inspiration Blog – for the fourth year.

We have some tough competition if we want to get through to the next stage of the Awards though and we need YOUR vote to help us make the shortlist.

Why vote for us?

One lucky voter will win a Leica Sofort camera!

From cult classics to contemporary blockbusters, movie film sets are endlessly inspiring. We’re here to report on your favourites, wax lyrical about the details and show you where to find these interior pieces for your own home.

Design inspiration from castles to spaceships!

We’ve had a fast and furious 12 months since being shortlisted for last year’s Amara Interior Blog Awards, bringing you interior design inspiration from on screen world’s as diverse as an 18th Century palace in The Favourite and a teenager’s bedroom in To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before, to a Scottish castle in Mary Queen of Scots and spaceship interiors in Star Trekand everything in-between.

We’ve brought you insider tips and behind-the-scenes details direct from Oscar and BAFTA winning film designers to spoken words of wisdom from visionaries such as Ken Adam and Alex McDowell.

We’ve taken you on an exclusive tour of the film sets of the Elton John biopic Rocketman, presented live coverage of the The British Film Designers Guild Awards, announced our charity partnership with the Reuse Network and reported on how a famous TV chair is helping people open up about mental health.

Suspiria, Star Wars2001: A Space Odyssey, The Shining, Doctor Sleep, Stranger Things, Mamma Mia 2, Johnny English Strikes Again, Friends, Pain and Glory and many other films have all received the Film and Furniture treatment in the last 12 months. And there is plenty more to come.

Global coverage

We’ve attracted attention from around the world and had major profile pieces in GQ magazine, the Portuguese newspaper Observador, leading French newspaper Le Monde as well as magazines including Fabric. We’ve also been guests on US podcasts and radio shows such as DNA on KCRW Radio and Open The Podcast Doors Hal.

Although Paula Benson founded and is the figurehead of Film and Furniture, this is not a one-woman show! We have guest writers, researchers, volunteer copy checkers, furniture consultants, tech gurus and brilliant designers who all contribute to make the site what it is – not to mention all the talented production designers and set decorators who are willing to share their secrets with us. And YOU of course, our fascinating and loyal readers, we thank you for your continued interest and support. Your questions and suggestions about furniture and decor in films send us on endless adventures of investigation.

Every vote counts and we’d love it if you could spare 10 seconds to VOTE FOR US HERE!

(Voting closes 12:00 on Wednesday 11th September 2019)

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