In his first feature-length English-language film, Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar weaves a deeply emotional yet visually captivating story. The...
In Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story, the latest instalment of Ryan Murphy and Ian Brennan’s true-crime anthology series, production designer Matthew Flood...
Anticipation builds as The Shining prepares for its West End debut in 2025, bringing fresh, immersive insights into Stephen King's original 1977 novel. This new stage adaptation of The...
When they met at a party in the early 1950s, Marilyn Monroe remarked to photographer Eve Arnold that she’d seen the photographer’s images of...
Filmmaker Richard Loncraine has earned acclaim for his work in film, television and commercials, but what he got up to before his film career makes for fascinating stuff and...
On 31st October—Halloween night—film lovers and horror enthusiasts are in for a treat as Cheltenham International Film Festival presents...
What makes an icon an icon? It’s a word that gives many the shivers, feeling it’s thrown around too easily, yet it exists for good reason. A movie star...
“One person's craziness is another person's reality” once said director Tim Burton. Celebrated for his weird and wonderful imagination,...