Mad Men

The design and style of glassware in the movies can transcend period, genre and galaxy. We invite you to join us on a bar...

Everyone has someone in their life who's a film fan and/or design fanatic. We know these people. We know what makes them tick. These folk can be tricky to buy gifts for so if...

It's been an action packed year at Film and Furniture HQ. As 2017 comes to a close we take a look back at our Top 10 most popular features...

Award-winning interior landscape designer Ian Drummond, picks out his favourite plants in the movies.Houseplants have never been hotter, and creative interior planting is becoming increasingly easy to achieve. Indoor gardening...

There's a general rule of thumb that if it's good enough for Mad Men's Joan then it's good enough for us. A visit to Design Junction London last week led...