Mies van der Rohe
In black comedy thriller Promising Young Woman we follow Cassie’s (Carey Mulligan) journey to avenge the death of her best friend. During the film she visits the house of disgraced attorney Jordan Green (Alfred...
The Affair tells a story of love, friendship, life-changing decisions and the early life of an architectural masterpiece. The film is an adaptation of Simon Mawer’s acclaimed 2009 novel...
The catalogue Rationalism on Set: Glamour and Modernity in 1930s Italian Cinema explores a little-known period of Italian cinematic history, highlighting the strong Modernist influence apparent in the set designs created...
Our feature on Bruce Wayne's (Ben Affleck) stunning modernist lakeside summer house and the Batcave in Batman v Superman:...
Skandium is the leading retailer in the UK for high-end modern Scandinavian design, both recent creations and vintage classic designs. Many design pieces (Scandinavian...