
John Lewis


Interiors inspiration from Perfectos Desconocidos’ film set designer

The new Mexican adaptation of the film Perfectos Desconocidos (Perfect Strangers) directed by Manolo Caro (also of The House of Flowers) tells the story of...

Checkmate! The story behind Kubrick’s carpet in The Shining revealed

Updated 30.5.18 Film and Furniture regulars will know one of the original inspirations for this very website was the hexagonal patterned carpet in The Shining's...

Fifty Shades Darker furniture and decor (Part 2): Christian Grey’s Bedroom, Study, Library & Ana’s closet in exclusive detail

Christian Grey’s stunning penthouse apartment Escala plays a key role in the Fifty Shades...

Vitra Eames DAR chair (Mad Men)

If it's good enough for Mad Men's Joan then its good for us! The iconic Eames DAR armchair has a moulded polypropylene shell and comes in a delightful variety of colours and a choice...

Eames furniture in film and the ‘must see’ exhibition at the Barbican

Charles and Ray Eames furniture feature in multiple movies. When film set decorators need to convey a character's good taste and style or when...