

Breuer, Meier and Mackintosh furniture in 9 1/2 Weeks

Marcel Breuer's infamous Wassily Chair has oft been referenced for its appearance in the steamy 1986 flick Nine and a Half Weeks starring Mickey Rourke and Kim Basinger, but...

The Art-Deco-meets-Sci-Fi wall coverings in Passengers spaceship bar

In sci-fi space travel film Passengers starring Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt, the large spaceship houses a grand and luxurious art deco-style bar. Production designer Guy Hendrix Dyas wanted...

How the Art Deco set design of The Great Gatsby embodies the essence of the 1920s (and win the movie!)

Art Deco furniture is experiencing a revival right now. In this guest feature, Hannah Russell - co-founder of online...

Testimonial: “Something completely different”

Another happy reader got in touch to let us know their thoughts on discovering Film and Furniture. "Seriously, it is completely worth reading this... The idea of finding furniture from...

The 1960s Man from UNCLE: The definitive guide to furniture and decor in the original film sets. Part 1.

Part 1 of a 5 part series. The forthcoming and much discussed remake of The Man from U.N.C.L.E (2015) directed...

We talk fantasy, 3D printing and Fifty Shades of Grey with one of Hollywood’s biggest set designers: C. Scott Baker

The creative 'tour de force' C. Scott Baker has designed sets for some of...

The scene would be nowt with the chair taken out: Ox Chair in Austin Powers

With a distinctive head rest reminiscent of ox horns, the Ox Chair is an iconic modern classic by Danish designer Wegner, created in 1960....

Take a 3D tour of Deckards apartment in Blade Runner

Quentin Lengele a software engineer from Belgium, has created a 3D model of Deckard's apartment - simply from movie screenshots and pictures found on the web. Now that's what we...

Fifty shades of furniture

Unless you've been wearing a silk blindfold, you'll know that Fifty Shades of Grey the movie launches in the UK today (Fri 13th Feb). Love it or hate it, you've got to give it...