The Crown Production Designer: Martin Childs Set Decorator: Alison Harvey Relevant Features Feature: 25 Jan 2024 2024’s Film Awards: Our comprehensive design-focused nominees list for Oscars, BAFTAs, ADG Awards, SDSA Awards, and BFDG Awards Get ready for 2024's film awards season with our rundown of the nominees in... Feature: 13 Dec 2023 Clearing the haze: Climate change and pollution in film and your home’s air purity solution In the dynamic realm of cinema, tales of dystopian futures frequently unfold, vividly depicting the repercussions of climate change... Events/Exhibitions, Feature: 05 Jan 2020 Spotlight on the 2020 BFDG and ADG Awards: Production design and set decoration nominations The film awards season is upon us! We shine a spotlight on the production design, art direction and set decoration of the movies which...