Cy Twombly, Untitled (Bacchus 1st Version V) painting art work

Designer: Cy Twombly

Director: Rian Johnson

The Cy Twombly painting  “Untitled (Bacchus 1st Version V)” from 2004 — an explosion of red acrylic, wax crayon and oilstick on wood, is a large artwork at 104 ¾ by 79 inches. This piece was sold to private dealer Michaela de Pury for $15,370,000 at a Sotheby’s auction in 2016.

It would transpire that this dealer must have sold it to Miles Bron’s (Edward Norton) in Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery where it can be seen in the living room of his vast mansion on this private Greek island.

Prior to the Sotheby’s auction, this Cy Twombly painting had only one previous public showing – in Moscow in 2008 at the Red October Chocolate Factory exhibition organised by the Gagosian Gallery. 

Cy Twombly Prints and exhibition posters can be found on Etsy.

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