Step inside the Parr's super new house in Incredibles 2 - Film and Furniture

Step inside the Parr’s super new house in Incredibles 2

We love the Parr’s super new house in Incredibles 2. The production design team of Ralph Eggleston (Production Designer), Philip Metschan (Visual Designer), Nathan Fariss (Sets Supervisor) and Bryn Imagire (Art Director) have done a wonderful job and we’re ready to move in! At the end of The Incredibles, the Parr family home gets destroyed meaning they need a new house for the new film. The new Parr family home is a much more lavish affair full of mid-century modern details. The near 20,000 square foot mansion is a four bedroom, four bathroom abode with floor-to-ceiling windows and indoor rock formations. The house … Continue reading Step inside the Parr’s super new house in Incredibles 2

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