
Become a Member

Become a Film and Furniture member to unlock exclusive benefits:

Access to our member-only exclusive features and video interviews with film industry experts, our curated marketplace, pre-release screenings, free previews, major design exhibition tickets, talks, events, competitions, giveaways, partner discounts, and a vibrant community of like-minded creatives. Elevate your home with cinematic flair and connect with fellow enthusiasts.

Join us and let your passion for design and film thrive.

Choose a membership plan.



• Access our archive of features

• Access our carefully curated marketplace (showing you where to find the items you see in film and TV)

• Newsletter – Receive film and furniture inspiration directly to your inbox

Front Row


• ALL Classic Member benefits

++ PLUS ++

• Exclusive access to content:

Dive deeper into the world of film and design. As a paid member you’ll gain access to in-depth features, video interviews, and behind-the-scenes insights with some of the world’s most respected film industry creatives (4-6 exclusive pieces per year)

• F&F Event Privileges:

Enjoy front row privileges and 25% ticket discount to our coveted events featuring enlightening talks from film and design experts, and exclusive tours of renowned furniture showrooms (in-person and online, 3-4 events annually)

• Exciting Giveaways:

Get in on the action with our exciting giveaway draws! Win DVDs, box sets, homeware, and tickets to must-see cinema and theatre productions plus free passes to major exhibitions at the world famous Design Museum

• Personalised Film and Furniture assistance:

Access the Film and Furniture Concierge to help source furniture and decor seen in films and TV, bringing cinematic dreams to life in your own home

• Member-Only Discounts:

Transform your home décor game with exclusive discounts on our signature products. From luxury carpets to cushions and glassware.



• ALL Classic member AND Front Row Member benefits
including exclusive access to content:

Dive deeper into the world of film and design. As a paid member you’ll gain acess to in-depth features, video interviews, and behind-the-scenes insights with some of the world’s most respected film industry creatives (4-6 exclusive pieces per year)

++ PLUS ++

• Invitations to Exclusive Film Screenings:

Secure your seat at pre-release film screenings, offering you an insider’s glimpse into the latest cinematic masterpieces. (Limited spots available on a first-come, first-served basis)

• Join us at PREVIEWS:

at London’s Design Museum major exhibitions before they open to the public (limited places on a first come, first served basis)

VIP Treatment at F&F Events:

Complimentary tickets to our enlightening talks from film and design industry experts, exclusive tours of renowned furniture showrooms, PLUS VIP access to our ‘Green Room’ to chat directly with industry experts (in-person and online, 3-4 events annually)

• Win Big with Giveaways:
Be the first to hear of our exciting giveaway draws! Win DVDs, box sets, homeware, and even tickets to must-see cinema, exhibition and theatre productions.

PRIORITY Film and Furniture assistance:

Gain priority access to the Film and Furniture Concierge to help source furniture and decor seen in films and TV, bringing cinematic dreams to life in your own home.

• Member-Only Discounts:

Elevate your home décor game with exclusive discounts on our signature products. From luxury carpets to cushions and glassware.

• Discounts on Premium Memberships and Subscriptions:
Access discounted rates on memberships and subscriptions, including those at the Design Museum and with Film and Furniture’s esteemed partners.

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Become a Member



  • Access our archive of features
  • Access our carefully curated marketplace (showing you where to find the items you see in film and TV)
  • Newsletter - Receive film and furniture inspiration directly to your inbox
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Front Row

From £50/year


From £250/year