In Rian Johnson's Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery, Detective Benoit Blanc travels to a private island oasis to peel back the layers of...
The TV series Conversations With Friends had a lot to live up to after the huge success of Normal People. Both are adaptations of books by Irish author Sally...
Film and Furniture founder Paula Benson joins the stellar line up of previous guests in Kubrick's Universe: The Stanley Kubrick Podcast where she discusses the 'The Art and Design...
Once seen, you can never 'unsee' the scene in A Clockwork Orange when Alex reaps havoc at the house of 'Cat Woman' wielding a giant shiny phallus. Well, now...
Whether an arthouse classic or a mainstream blockbuster, film sets are laden with hidden narrative. Film set designers, production designers and set decorators spend months, sometimes years creating houses,...