
Search results for Marilyn Monroe

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Discover Marilyn Monroe through Eve Arnold’s lens in a new exhibition and our book giveaway

When they met at a party in the early 1950s, Marilyn Monroe remarked to photographer Eve Arnold that she’d seen the photographer’s images of...

The photo of Marilyn Monroe  on a brown sofa which Armas reenacts for ‘Blonde’

One of the lead publicity shots for the movie Blonde features actress Ana de Armas reenacting a famous photograph of Marilyn Monroe sitting on...

From screen to scene: Furniture icons that steal the spotlight

What makes an icon an icon? It’s a word that gives many the shivers, feeling it’s thrown around too easily, yet it exists for good reason. A movie star...

Take a seat: Unveiling memorable furniture moments in cinema

Furniture can be as important as actors in the plot, and just as recognisable as famous characters. Often, they hold shared memories and serve as backdrops for iconic scenes,...

“Just like Dorothy walking into Oz”: Designing the ‘Glamorous’ makeup empire

TV series Glamorous follows the story of Marco Mejia (Miss Benny), a young gender non-conforming queer person whose life...

KnollStudio Platner chairs & tables take an unusual star turn in Bond, Quantum of Solace.

Guest Feature: Justin Pratt, Manager KnollStudio UK and InternationalAs Mies once said “it is almost easier to build a skyscraper  than a chair”. There...