2001 film set in miniature by students of the National Film and Television School

2001 film set in miniature by students of the National Film and Television School

Stanley Kubrick’s masterpiece 2001 A Space Odyssey continues to fascinate over five decades after its release. It’s been pored over, scrutinised and replicated in many forms, and the latest honourable homage comes from students from the visual effects and model making departments of the National Film and Television School: They have collaborated on the making of a miniature film set of the neo-classical “hotel” scene.

The brief to the model making department was to make a miniature set as accurately as possible and this particular scene from ‘2001’ was chosen as it threw up some really interesting challenges. 

From in-depth research of film stills to CGI and 3D models, the students relished the task to recreate this famous scene in miniature. The visual effects students then designed a camera move in keeping with the cinematographic style and mood of the film.
The model makers started with the walls of the room, with special attention given to the intricate cornicing for which they used a technique called plaster dragging. Then the creation of all the furniture, the bed, the ornaments, the floor, the red space helmet and not forgetting the pod of course. The physical models were combined with the CGI to create a mini film of the scene.

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